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Store info

Monday to Friday

9AM - 5PM


1356 Dundas St W,

Toronto, ON, M6J 1Y2

1356 Dundas St W,

Toronto, ON, M6J 1Y2

Monday to Friday

9AM - 5PM

David Goldblatt

David Goldblatt began photographing the structures, people and landscapes of his country in 1948. Rather than recording the more tumultuous aspects of apartheid-era South Africa, Goldblatt instead chose to make subtly complex photographs of everyday life in a rigidly segregated society as it headed towards transformational change. In 1998 he was the first South African to be given a solo exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. 
Pillow of Velley Phakati, whose husband has 'gone away'. The inscription she embroidered reads "those who once met, will meet again", 2365B Emdeni Extension, Soweto - David Goldblatt | FFOTO

Pillow of Velley Phakati, whose husband has 'gone away'

David Goldblatt

Stephen Bulger Gallery

$12,000 USD
Untitled [Man with sharpening machine and dog] - David Goldblatt | FFOTO

Untitled [Man with sharpening machine and dog]

David Goldblatt

Stephen Bulger Gallery

$12,000 USD