12 Oct, 2021
12 Oct, 2021
12 Oct, 2021
Vance Stevens was a college student when he first met Irene Fay. In time, he would become instrumental in helping her secure dealer representation, continuing to offer support and advice from behind the scenes for the rest of Irene’s life.
As Vance’s career transitioned from teaching to freelance graphic and interior design, his relationship with Irene and her family gradually intertwined. With residences in New York City and the Catskills, Vance gained insight into Irene the artist, and Irene the person. I talked to Vance about his friendship with Irene. The admiration and affection he holds for Irene, whose art practice is now being reintroduced to the world via FFOTO, is evident throughout our conversation.
12 Oct, 2021
The photographic practice of Irene Fay spanned nearly half a century, amassing a body of work that gives viewers a chance to see the world through her eyes. She photographed the things and people that surrounded her, often while cooking and raising her children. Though she had a keen photographic eye, she was also a master in the darkroom, using her skills to transform her images into photographic objects that evoke a sense of mystery.
To introduce collectors to Irene’s captivating body of work, available exclusively via FFOTO, we have collected some of her own thoughts on her practice to share with you here.
12 Oct, 2021